Why Join Origami Owl? A few things you may not know! | O2 Locket Mamas: Why Join Origami Owl? A few things you may not know!

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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Why Join Origami Owl? A few things you may not know!

Let me share with you a few reasons that make joining Origami Owl a great career choice!  Here are a few things that you may not know about this amazing party-plan business!:
Flexible business hours – work when you want or when you can (as much or as little as you like).
Home-based – work with the kids at your feet at home, or anywhere you wish.
Work around family schedule – around school, sports, and family time.
Great extra money – each Jewelry Bar, event or sale with Origami Owl affords you a little extra reward for you!
            Get paid weekly!
            Commissions are deposited into an account for you.  Get instant access or use as a savings account for Christmas, vacations, a new car, etc..
Fabulous tax benefits – you can write off all your business expenses including gas & mileage!.
So much fun at events – you can take part in making a difference in dun community events and meet awesome people.
            I’ve met a ton of amazing people (customers and other designers as well!)
            Have a reason to get together with adult interaction and make money at the same time!
Travel rewards and perks – earn or win your way to our future company events.
See our newest and current designer incentive below!  A shopping trip with our founders!!

Rapid advancement in the company – you can advance as much as you work it.  There is no need to wait for someone to “give” you a Title.  At Origami Owl, you earn your title when you work it.
            When you add team members, you start getting paid immediately with the first one! (Other companies require 2 or more before earning a profit from your team.)
Unlimited income potential – you can work this business as little as much as you want.  Work it a lot and the possibilities and income truly is unlimited.
Great products at a wholesale and free – Origami Owl lets you purchase wholesale prices, with your discount up front.  No more waiting to be reimbursed your commissions to get your products at a discount.  When you do Jewelry Bars and turn in the orders, you have the option to pay only the wholesale costs to the company and therefore, keeping your earnings immediately from those that paid you cash and check at your ewelry bars.  Also, you can be an Independent. Designer and a Hostess at the same time and earning free Origami Owl Jewelry on Jewelry Bars you host yourself.

And now the important stuff… How much will you make?
Earn 30-50% commission. 
Average jewelry bar is $650 retail = approx $260 for just a few hours of “work” 
 Upon joining Origami Owl, you’ll want to start planning your Launch Party!  (A jewelry bar hosted by you to launch your business to your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc..)
            You’ll earn the commission and get to keep the hostess rewards to wear or to add into your inventory.
            The best part is that the commission you’ll earn from your launch party will more than cover the cost of the enrollment kit!  From that point on, it’s pure profit!

To join my Origami Owl Team Locket Mamas, click here: www.locketmamas.origamiowl.com/EnrollApproved.ashx
Enter mentor ID # 35718

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